Block Party Trailer
The Block Party Trailer is currently available for any date in 2021. Please note that we have new, enhanced cleaning duties associated with the rental of the Block Party Trailer.
The Block Party Trailer is an evangelistic tool provided cooperatively by the Treasure Valley Southern Baptist Association, of Emmett, Idaho with funds provided through our churches and friends outside of our association. The Block Party Trailer contains many tools and resources that can be used to reach our communities for Christ. Churches of the Treasure Valley Southern Baptist Association (TVSBA) can use the trailer for the purpose of evangelism. To use, first contact the Treasure Valley SBA office (tvsbaoffice.mring at OR 208-442-4448) to make a verbal reservation. The fee is just $75, and the trailer can be reserved for up to seven (7) consecutive days. Reservations can be made beginning January 2 of each year. An application and proof of insurance is required.
The Block Party Trailer is located at Central Valley Baptist Church, 600 N. Ten Mile Rd., Meridian. You will both pick up and drop off at that location. Rocky Mason is your point of contact. His contact information is in the reservation form, listed below.
Please note that there are enhanced cleaning protocols to be followed now. Contact the office for details on those.
You may reserve ahead. All current year dates are available as of January 1 of that year.
Block Party Trailer RESERVATION and Guidelines--May 2022
Block Party Trailer Training Manual
A partial list of the Block Party resources is listed below:
- Inflatable slide
- Inflatable bounce houses
- Inflatable obstacle course
- Sno-cone machine
- Popcorn machine
- Cotton candy machine
- Carnival style games (milk can toss, golf, bean bag toss, etc.)
The Block Party Trailer is currently reserved for...
February 27th weekend--Crosspoint Church in Caldwell
June 5, 2022 weekend--Crosspoint Church in Caldwell
July 2-8, 2022--Central Valley Baptist Church in Cascade
July 21-23, 2022--Restored Community in Eagle
July 27-August 1--Crosspoint Church in Caldwell--PENDING
August 2-8, 2022--Central Valley Baptist Church in Cascade
August 10-15, 2022--Etxea Church in Boise (McDonald)
August 19-22, 2022--Nampa Outreach--David Pryor
September 16-19, 2022--Restored Community in Eagle
ALL OTHER DATES are currently available.